Monday, April 20, 2009


It has been awhile since I have been on this blog. At the "restart" I wanted to be on this on a fairly regular basis so that I could share what God has been doing in my life. However, school has taken quite a toll on my time this semester. While God is still moving and working I spend so much time writing and basing my thoughts around education that very rarely do I have the time or energy to write here. I have missed it though. I have missed the freedom of allowing my mind to wrestle with and to articulate what it is doing. Hopefully, I will once again be writing and expressing thoughts, concerns and opinions in a way that allows both me and whoever might read this blog a chance to grow in the grace and mercy that God wants to lavish upon us.

On a personal family note, Ally is growing like crazy and in on the verge of walking. So as I have finished school work I have spent a great deal of time watching in amazement the creative hand of God as my daughter matures in her development.

I am outie 5000,


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